Sandol Milliken Stoddard, a.k.a. Sandol Stoddard Warburg, authored more than two dozen books, including best-selling children’s fiction, religious anthologies, translations, non-fiction works for adults and various articles published in scholarly journals. From her landmark achievement The Hospice Movement that helped launch the concept of hospice care in America, to popular children’s books such as I Like You, The Thinking Book and Turtle Time, to the prize-winning best-seller The Doubleday Children’s Bible, to her historical novel Dream of Eden, her works have been read by millions in English and in foreign translations. A native of New Haven, Connecticut, Sandol Stoddard graduated magna cum laude from Bryn Mawr College and raised four sons in California before moving to Hawaii in 1983.

Sandol Stoddard passed away in January 2018. This site is maintained by her family.

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